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Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
(SA)Hitman wins one!2   A 'golden' Sharpshooter2   A determined Look2
A leg up on the Undertaker2   A moment of silence2   Acknowledging the FANS!2
Advice from the Hart!2   An autograph from the Hitman2   Anyone need a Crutch_2
Back to the dressing room2   Backstage Brawl!2   Beating Down HBK2
BIG title match2   Brawlin' w_ the Mastadon2   Bret and Anvil2
Bret doin a number2   Bret Hart vs. The Undertaker2   Bret Hart battles Yokozuna2
Bret Hart in control2   Bret Hart shows his gold2   Bret Hart sportin' the leather2
Bret Hart vs. British Bulldog2   Bret Hart vs. Diesel2   Bret Hart vs. Mr. Bob Backlund2
Bret Hart vs. Razor Ramon2   Bret Hart with IC belt3   Bret Hart with the elbow2
Bret Hart with WWF gold!2   Bret puts down the BELT!2   Bret uses the post2
Bret vs. Diesel in a cage!2   Bret Wins2   Bret with Jim Ross!2
Bret with the shades!2   Brother Bret testifies!2   Choking Austin Out!2
Climbing the stairs2   Cool Cat2   crumbling down2
Getting the legs in shape2   Grand Entrance2   Hangin' with the FANS!2
Harts celebrating!2   Hit Man Returns!2   I love my Brother!2
I said _Crutch anyone__2   I'm the BEST!!2   I'm the MAN!!2
It's Sharpshootin' Time2   It's the SHARPSHOOTER in affect2   Its Hitman time2
Its the SHARPSHOOTER2   King of the Ring2   Listen up, SHAMROCK2
Listen Up!!2   Lonesome Dove3   Owen and Bulldog have a hug2
Pile Driver!2   Proud to have GOLD!2   Reunited with the Anvil!2
Running for Glory!!!2   Saturdays Main Event2   Settin' up for the submission!2
Sharpshootin' in the steel cage2   Sharpshootin' Shawn2   Street Fight Rules!2
Stretching to the LIMIT!!!2   Superstar of the Year!2   Tag Team Champions2
Tag Team Champs!2   Take a CLOSE llok at me2   Takin' a Breather2
Talking over the strategy2   The _Perfect_ Sharpshooter2   The _Sharpshooter_2
The BEST is Back!2   The BIG man is down2   The CHAMP!!!2
The Foundation, Together Again!!2   The Hart's are coming!2   The kids help Dad stay in shape2
The King gets a mouthful!2   This is for the BELT!!!2   Watch his knee!2
who cares if your my brother2   Workin' to keep the GOLD!2   Working on the arm!2
WWF Magazine Superstar!2

Text (1)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
url.txt Text File 1 16b 2014-12-24